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Junior Achievement $ave, USA

We know it can be tough to speak to or teach your kids about money-management issues. We hope that you find these lessons helpful with those conversations!


Risk and Insurance

Risk and Insurance

Upper Elementary/Lower Middle Grades

Why do you need insurance? What kinds should you have? Risk is a part of life, but you can protect yourself from financial loss when an accident occurs to you or something you own. This activity will help you understand risk, insurance terms, and what kinds of insurance might be most beneficial to you.

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Welcome to campus!

Welcome to campus!

You're about to enter the world of college decision-making at $ave University, where every decision you make affects your time and money. Get ready to shop, spend, study, and do laundry. Watch out for the campus distractions. Keep your eyes open and make smart choices. There are opportunity costs around every corner!

Note to parents, educators, and volunteers: This Junior Achievement $ave, USA module is designed using 8 bit graphics, reminiscent of old video games. It is designed to be fun and full of distractions. This experience, designed for high school students, allows students to practice weighing opportunity costs, the economic term referring to the next best alternative given up when a choice is made. It is designed to work best on computers and tablets.

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Cost of Doing Business

Cost of Doing Business

The Legendary Lemonade Stand Download Document

Deciding on a College

It Is Never Too Early Download Document

Let's Get Away!

Vacation Time Download Document

Recognizing Currency

Counting Coins Download Document

Want and Need

Greater Than or Less Than Download Document

What's it Worth to You?

Savvy Shopping and Saving Download Document

Middle School

Analyzing Tuition Costs

Analyzing Tuition Costs

Planning for College Download Document

Career Exploration

Job Match Download Document

Consumer Protection

Currency Security Download Document

Managing a Check Ledger

Checks and Balances Download Document

What's Your Business?

Do You Have a Great Idea? Download Document

High School

Analyzing Career Choices

Analyzing Career Choices

What salary range do you desire? Download Document

Car Buying 101

The Cost of a Car Download Document

Consumer Protection

Payday Loan Pitfalls Download Document

Financial Literacy IQ

Make Healthy Choices: Earn Interest on Interest Download Document

High Risk, High Return

Taking Stock of Your Options Download Document

Paying for College Life

You've Been Accepted to College Download Document

Statistics and Life Choices

Making Choices Download Document

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